What to Do with Old Clothes that Cannot Be Donated?

What to Do with Old Clothes that Cannot Be Donated?

In our modern world of fast fashion and ever-changing trends, it's all too easy to accumulate excess clothing. Think about your own closet for a moment. Whether it's due to outgrown sizes, evolvin...
Global Heroes Initiative: Extending Sustainable Fashion to Mexico

Global Heroes Initiative: Extending Sustainable Fashion to Mexico

As we look back, we’ve had wonderful success with our sustainable fashion program, Global Heroes, in India, and we’re excited to announce our latest project! A Quick Recap In 2022, we partnered wit...
Creating a Capsule Wardrobe for Travel: Your Ultimate Guide to Packing Light

Creating a Capsule Wardrobe for Travel: Your Ultimate Guide to Packing Light

We've all encountered that frustrating moment: standing in front of an empty suitcase yet feeling totally uninspired about what to pack despite having a closet that's brimming with clothes. It's a...
Creating a Sustainable Future Through Regenerative Fashion

Creating a Sustainable Future Through Regenerative Fashion

In a world grappling with the environmental consequences of the fashion industry, many are looking towards the power of regenerative fashion. This transformative approach not only seeks to reduce h...
What are Microplastics in Fashion?

What are Microplastics in Fashion?

Psst...did you know that your synthetic clothes hide a dirty little secret? Every time you run your washing machine, they shed hundreds of thousands of minuscule microfibers. These synthetic tiny f...
Women in pink floyd sweatshirt in front of plants

5 Tips For Sustainable Living

When it comes to protecting the health of the planet and its people, the decisions we make as individuals matter - that's the hopeful, sometimes daunting truth of it. With the modern world being ra...
People of Leisure's Zero Sweat Policy

People of Leisure's Zero Sweat Policy

People of Leisure was built on the foundation of something called a Zero Sweat Policy.
Closing the Loop: How Circular Fashion Can Put the End to Textile Waste

Closing the Loop: How Circular Fashion Can Put the End to Textile Waste

The fashion industry is long overdue for an eco-friendly makeover. But when you're shopping, it's easy to forget the environmental toll behind your favorite outfits, especially when they're produce...
The Violation of Human Rights in Fast Fashion

The Violation of Human Rights in Fast Fashion

The fashion industry, while on the surface depicts a realm of glamor and style for many, also has a hidden, darker reality that's rooted in human rights violations. As a conscious consumer, we stan...